Russian invasion of Ukraine – likely to continue through 2023 and beyond The Russian…
Philip Ingram MBE BSc MA

Philip Ingram MBE BSc MA
Philip Ingram is a journalist specialising in the security and intelligence arenas who has built on a long and senior military career as an intelligence and security officer and strategic planner; he maintains a close interest in global events. Philip now runs his own media company, Grey Hare Media, that specialises in delivering informed content for mainstream and trade media outlets as well as wider marketing advice and support.
The biggest risks for the security industry into 2021 are those that haven’t manifested…
Elements of the UK’s critical national infrastructure seems to have been creaking recently. We…
Investigating the funding of terror: follow the money The responsibility for investigating Serious and…
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Commercial investigations: public private cooperation
By Philip Ingram MBE BSc MA OnlinePublic private cooperation and commercial investigations Increasingly private sector companies are having to carry…
What can event providers do to support the security sector? Like anything trying to…
Countering terrorism in 2018 We have been lucky in 2018 after the terror that…
Philip Ingram discusses how security officers supported police in the response following the first…
Retail Security: Why we are not to call them Shoplifters We must refer to…