Stalking – how to regain control Nearly 1.5 million people in England and Wales…
Will Geddes

Will Geddes
Will Geddes, Managing Director of ICP Group and TacticsON, has over 25 years' experience in specialist security advising corporate and private clients across the world. He is a regular commentator for international media on risk, security and terrorism matters for the BBC, ITN, Sky News, CNN, The Telegraph, Radio 4 Today, etc. and is a regular keynote speaker, as well as author of 'Parent Alert: How to keep your kids safe online' (Released: 19.07.18).
International Security in a Pandemic In late 2020, the UK raised the National Threat…
Close Protection: the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic 2020 – a year we won’t…
Resilience – isn’t it just Business Continuity Planning? As rare or improbable as events…
Taking care of the cyber security basics by Will Geddes Doesn’t it seem that…
Islamic Extremist Rallies – Hiding in plain sight? In the last few years the…
Is 2016 ‘Black Summer’ a security game-changer? At the time of writing this piece,…
Privacy & Keeping track? ‘Don’t talk to strangers’, ‘Don’t share your PIN’, ‘Always keep…
A personal view of close protection My brief is to give my perspective of…