Focus on a Security Professional: Evans Tumasi Account Manager I met Account Manager Evans…
Graham Bassett

Graham Bassett
Graham is involved in many volunteer aspects within the security community to include:- Committee Member of the City of London Crime Prevention Association , Vice Chairman of ASIS UK & member of the European Advisory Council, Trustee of the City of London Police Children’s Charity, Liveryman of the WCoSP, plus he is MD of GBRUK and Co-Founder of
Focus on a Security Officer Dave Aston It was a pleasant stroll on a…
Focus on a security professional: Asad Jalil I met with Asad Jalil on an…
Police & Partnerships
International Security Officers’ Day 2023 in the City of London
By Graham Bassett OnlineInternational Security Officers’ Day 2023 in the City of London Monday 24th July 2023…
Focus on a security team: The South Bank Patrol In our regular feature putting…
Security Careers
Interview with Jimmy Jugghoo: highly-respected security supervisor with positive energy
Interview with Jimmy Jugghoo: highly-respected security supervisor with positive energy In this regular feature,…
Security Careers
Outstanding Security Performance Award Winner – Hasan Afzal
By Graham Bassett OnlineWe meet the “One man crime fighter” OSPA Winner – Hasan Afzal Continuing our…
Focus on security personnel: Security Operations Support Manager: Dion Henry Continuing our feature focusing…
A security team in West Bromwich in the Midlands have been commended for their…
Focus on a Security Officer: Jamal Khafajian Jamal is part of the Silverseal team…