Working together for a safer city during and after the Olympics
This summer, the eyes of the world will be focused on London, as the capital provides the main stage for the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
With such interest and a huge influx of visitors to the capital, few businesses in London will be unaffected by the Games and all will need to consider any safety and security implications, making the necessary preparations where appropriate. This covers not only the physical security of premises, but also the safety of individuals at their place of work and as they move around the city for business or leisure purposes.
Security must therefore be robust, comprehensive and proportionate to ensure a safe and secure Games that London, the UK and the world can enjoy.
London 2012 and the CSSC project
A key part of achieving this will be a new partnership between business, the Police and the Government in London: the Cross-sector Safety and Security Communications Project (CSSC).
At the centre of the project is the “CSSC Hub”, which acts as the interface between those who have information and those who need to receive it. The Hub is in permanent direct contact with, on the one hand, the police and other authorities and, on the other hand, the sector groups and major individual businesses.
Updates flowing from the authorities can be shared quickly with the relevant business contacts who, in turn, can pass it quickly through to their own networks, which, in the case of larger firms, may well include nearby smaller businesses that do not have formal business continuity or security functions.
Chris Wilson, Project Director CSSC at London First, stated “iModus was selected as the emergency notification system for the group after an extensive process to identify a system that best matched the communication needs of the group. iModus was the best match for message delivery, control, auditing and security.”
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