FULL PAGE | £1,750.00 | 280mm high x 210mm wide |
HALF PAGE | £ 900.00 | 120mm high x 180 wide |
QUARTER PAGE | £ 500.00 | 120mm high x 88mm wide |
DIRECTORY AD | £ 175.00 | Supply logo and details below |
DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD | £3,250.00 | 280mm high x 420mm wide |
FULL PAGE BACK COVER | £2,500.00 | 280mm high x 210mm wide |
FULL PAGE INSIDE FRONT COVER | £2,350.00 | 280mm high x 210mm wide |
RIGHT HAND FRONT SECTION | £1,950.00 | 280mm high x 210mm wide |
MAILER INSERT | £3,250.00 | (Subject to size & content, excludes printing). Please contact us for further information and bookings. |
Website Company profile | FREE | to all magazine advertisers during past 12 months |
Data Format: | Artworks to be supplied as high res PDF or JPEG files. Must be CMYK at 300dpi. |
Printers proof: | A low-resolution PDF printers proof will be emailed to you for approval prior to printing. |
Ad artwork: | Email to advertising@citysecuritymagazine.com Title your file: “Your Company Name” CS Ad. |
Company logo: | Email to advertising@citysecuritymagazine.com Title your file: “Your Company Name” Logo |
Advertising space in our website or magazine is available on a first confirmed booking basis. Only on receipt of full payment will your Ad appear.
Please do not send payment until you have received our invoice.
City Security magazine reserves the right to reject any advertisements and mailer inserts that are deemed unsuitable.
Any requests for amendments to the original artwork that we receive after the proof is submitted will incur a charge for artwork if we have time to make the changes. An estimate of costs will be provided before any work is undertaken.
Cancellation: If the magazine receives notification to cancel a pre-booked Ad less than three weeks before publication date, the advertiser will be liable to pay the full amount invoiced.
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If you have booked more than two Ads in one calendar year, the invoice will include the 10% discount off Rate Card. If payment of this invoice has not been received before our publication date, the cost of the 10% discount will then be added to the invoice for your next advertisement.
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On receipt of this completed booking form, you will be sent an invoice for the full amount.
NOTE: Your Ad will only appear on receipt of full payment of your invoice.
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TYPE OF AD | SIZE (in pixels) |
ARTICLE CATEGORIES (per category) |
HEADER – HORIZONTAL AD | 500 wide x 90 deep | £ 1,250 | £ 1,000 |
SIDE BAR – PANEL AD | 300 wide x 600 deep | £ 750 | £ 600 |
SIDE BAR – BOX AD | 300 wide x 250 deep | £ 500 | £ 400 |
FOOTER – HORIZONTAL AD | 500 wide x 90 deep | £ 300 | £ 250 |
COMPANY PROFILE | £25pm (2 month free) | £ 250 | Free to all magazine advertisers |
COMPANY PROFILE PLUS | £60pm (2 month free) | £ 500 | 50% discount to all magazine full page advertisers |
Data Format: | Artworks to be supplied as JPEG files. Must be RGB at 72dpi to correct sizes given. |
Re Proofing: | A link of your Ad will be emailed to you for approval. |
Ad artwork: | Email to advertising@citysecuritymagazine.com Title your file: “Your Company Name” CS Web Ad. |
Sponsor Enewsletter | £325.00 | Per issue x2 sends |
HTML email blast | £450.00 | Per send |